Penis Pimples Pages

Natural vs. Traditional Treatment

Some claim that the best penis pimples treatment is natural based treatment, and I actually agree as I too prefer to go natural for treatment and removal of pimples. I have an unwarranted aversion for chemicals and unknown ingredients on anything, be it food, shampoos or anything I put in my skin, the face and in this case the pubic area. If it can be done, I’d do it with distilled water. That is as chemical free a cleaning agent can get, unfortunately, one has got to bite the bullet, I love water, but it can’t do it all.

I have always been wary of side effects from traditional acne medications like Benzoyl and Peroxide. I treated a wart on my middle finger before and those chemicals were nasty, and I can’t imagine applying the same stuff on my penis. It was just a small wart and I was able to apply really small amounts on it, but I don’t remember them warts remover being effective (I was young), I love to think that it was my guitar playing that cured it, that it decided “Ah, this kid is destined to be a great guitar player, I can’t stay on his finger” and decided to pack and go. But it did go away by itself, I think.

I do not know how fast they are in removal of pimples on the penis but if it is safer I would love to try those first. They should have fewer side effects if any and none of the not so good components of the traditional pimple medication. But again, I read somewhere that if something does not work for like 8 weeks, then one might want to try another. Trial and Error and a few errors before finding the one that would work.

I am of the opinion that going natural fist would be best, and beside, natural penis pimple removal might also have other benefits on the skin.

I will research what natural components to look for in a product that effectively removes pimples or rashes on the pubic area. See you next post.