I didn’t know anything about penis pimples some time ago until I got curious enough to find out more about these things that are on my penis. They are small pimples, nope they don’t hurt and only visible thought a closer inspection. My girlfriend don’t even notice them, I guess that’s good. As I have said, I didn’t know about it until recently, l have not heard anyone complain about it, not my dad nor my friends. I never told anyone about it either, so I guess It’s understandable.
When I was a kid, I was told that greasy peanuts causes pimples, so that was it, greasy peanuts, stress and hygiene. I’ve lived healthy enough and shower everyday sometimes twice a day. But there are some things that just cannot be helped. The appearance of pimples on my penis. I do not have much of a problem on my face, I never really did go thorugh the stage of pimple breakout.
What I am worried about is contracting it from intercourse. When I said I lived healthy, I did mean healthy, that includes healthy life. I don’t go over a week without it. I’m active. But I’m worried about getting it from intercourse so I keep one partner. Anyway.
I have had rashes years ago. But that was not sexually transmitted either, but I got worried. But it went away by itself as well, with some help from me, I shaved my pubes.
I did not want to go to the doctor because it was a bit embarrassing. I just can imagine being asked embarrassing questions about my penis like it is not a part of me.
By the way, a quick look at Wiki and I found out that it is a opportunistic species of yeast called Candida Albicans that can cause infection on the penis that caused the pimples and can be passed during intercourse. And once infected can cause rashes and other stuff that can be open to more dangerous infections, because these pimples can be openings on the skin and can be a direct point of contact where fluids may be transferred.
That sound like, no monkey love when you have it. Better safe than sorry.