Penis Pimples Pages

Jerking Off and Red Spots

There is no known correlation between penis pimples and jerking off, the most obvious and logical thing you would get would be a bruised penis and see red penis pimples or spots here and there that are a bit sensitive to the touch, how do I know? I masturbate and i get them as well from rough intercourse. Thing is I have a healthy sex life with one partner that assures me that I won’t get any STD’s or genital warts at least from my end, don’t get me wrong though, I used to play a lot, but enough of that an lets talk about zits our penis.

Treatment for such red spots then would be to stop jerking off and see if the symptoms ceased, but if they are not on the penis shaft itself where you should normally see them but instead situated someplace else like around the testicles area then it obviously is not from jerking off, in don’t jerk off my balls or the surrounding area, and I don’t know about other guys though. I am thinking that if they are not on our penises or the testicles, then we should be able to get rid of them pretty much how we get rid of pimples on our face, back or chest.