Penis Pimples Pages

Eruption of Pimples on Penis

Eruption of pimples on the penis is as embarrassing as it can get. And the worst ones can really be a hit on ones self confidence, leaving one in state of desperation to try anything to make them feel better about themselves. Nothing wrong with that, just follow these simple advice to get rid of those pimples on the penis and get rid of that anxiety and live your life with confidence.

Is it normal? One usually gets pimples on the face, back chest and butt but the penis is the wrong place for it to be. Don’t let it get out of hand.

Consulting the dermatologist is your first best bet. To start it off, they will be able to tell you through examination the cause of these pimples on your penis. They studied these and they should be able to give you something that will help.

Be careful of soap or other beauty products as they can lead to skin inflammation. There are areas where these are made for and you want something specifically made to get rid of pimples on the penis. But no special ointment is better than keeping yourself clean. Perspiration is unavoidable, so make sure you wash your body using gentle scentless soaps because sweat helps in buildup of dirt on the skin that can cause pimples.

Wear absorbent material and natural fibers for underwear and make sure they fit right, as ill fitting undergarments especially polyester or nylon can be irritating to the skin giving way to pimples.

In the years I have had pimples from several parts of my body, butt, face, back chest etc.. I have never ever seen squeezing pimples to be any good. All one need to do is to cleanse the affected area 2-3 times a day with odorless soap or any specific penis pimples treatment. And more important than that is to keep a healthy diet and drink a lot of water to help in alleviating pimples on the penis or any part of your body.

Jerking Off and Red Spots

There is no known correlation between penis pimples and jerking off, the most obvious and logical thing you would get would be a bruised penis and see red penis pimples or spots here and there that are a bit sensitive to the touch, how do I know? I masturbate and i get them as well from rough intercourse. Thing is I have a healthy sex life with one partner that assures me that I won’t get any STD’s or genital warts at least from my end, don’t get me wrong though, I used to play a lot, but enough of that an lets talk about zits our penis.

Treatment for such red spots then would be to stop jerking off and see if the symptoms ceased, but if they are not on the penis shaft itself where you should normally see them but instead situated someplace else like around the testicles area then it obviously is not from jerking off, in don’t jerk off my balls or the surrounding area, and I don’t know about other guys though. I am thinking that if they are not on our penises or the testicles, then we should be able to get rid of them pretty much how we get rid of pimples on our face, back or chest.

Natural and Alternative Medicines

As promised in my previous post, I’ll be posting natural and alternative medicines for skin ailments that should also work in penis pimples treatment and these are what i found:

Arctium Lappa
Bulbine Frutescence
Lavender Essential Oil
Azadirachta Indica
Melaleuca Alternifolia
Oleum Melaleuca
Calendula Officinalis

I stumbled upon this list and looked up what they do, and the literature i found about them sounded almost the same to me with minor variations here and there. Descriptions like ‘best blood purifiers’, ‘exceptional healing powers’, ‘used for centuries’ and all of them are good for skin problems like scaly skin disorders, eczema, swellings, warts, bruises, inflamed surfaces, soothing cuts, rashes, insect bites, burns, cold sores, pimples, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-septic and others I might have failed to remember.

I mean, if these plants can do all those, with no noted side effects, then they must be worth the shot. It will be best to look for penis pimples solution with these stuff in it. I especially loved the 'Exceptional Healing Powers' bit.

Natural vs. Traditional Treatment

Some claim that the best penis pimples treatment is natural based treatment, and I actually agree as I too prefer to go natural for treatment and removal of pimples. I have an unwarranted aversion for chemicals and unknown ingredients on anything, be it food, shampoos or anything I put in my skin, the face and in this case the pubic area. If it can be done, I’d do it with distilled water. That is as chemical free a cleaning agent can get, unfortunately, one has got to bite the bullet, I love water, but it can’t do it all.

I have always been wary of side effects from traditional acne medications like Benzoyl and Peroxide. I treated a wart on my middle finger before and those chemicals were nasty, and I can’t imagine applying the same stuff on my penis. It was just a small wart and I was able to apply really small amounts on it, but I don’t remember them warts remover being effective (I was young), I love to think that it was my guitar playing that cured it, that it decided “Ah, this kid is destined to be a great guitar player, I can’t stay on his finger” and decided to pack and go. But it did go away by itself, I think.

I do not know how fast they are in removal of pimples on the penis but if it is safer I would love to try those first. They should have fewer side effects if any and none of the not so good components of the traditional pimple medication. But again, I read somewhere that if something does not work for like 8 weeks, then one might want to try another. Trial and Error and a few errors before finding the one that would work.

I am of the opinion that going natural fist would be best, and beside, natural penis pimple removal might also have other benefits on the skin.

I will research what natural components to look for in a product that effectively removes pimples or rashes on the pubic area. See you next post.

My Case

I didn’t know anything about penis pimples some time ago until I got curious enough to find out more about these things that are on my penis. They are small pimples, nope they don’t hurt and only visible thought a closer inspection. My girlfriend don’t even notice them, I guess that’s good. As I have said, I didn’t know about it until recently, l have not heard anyone complain about it, not my dad nor my friends. I never told anyone about it either, so I guess It’s understandable.

When I was a kid, I was told that greasy peanuts causes pimples, so that was it, greasy peanuts, stress and hygiene. I’ve lived healthy enough and shower everyday sometimes twice a day. But there are some things that just cannot be helped. The appearance of pimples on my penis. I do not have much of a problem on my face, I never really did go thorugh the stage of pimple breakout.

What I am worried about is contracting it from intercourse. When I said I lived healthy, I did mean healthy, that includes healthy life. I don’t go over a week without it. I’m active. But I’m worried about getting it from intercourse so I keep one partner. Anyway.

I have had rashes years ago. But that was not sexually transmitted either, but I got worried. But it went away by itself as well, with some help from me, I shaved my pubes.

I did not want to go to the doctor because it was a bit embarrassing. I just can imagine being asked embarrassing questions about my penis like it is not a part of me.

By the way, a quick look at Wiki and I found out that it is a opportunistic species of yeast called Candida Albicans that can cause infection on the penis that caused the pimples and can be passed during intercourse. And once infected can cause rashes and other stuff that can be open to more dangerous infections, because these pimples can be openings on the skin and can be a direct point of contact where fluids may be transferred.

That sound like, no monkey love when you have it. Better safe than sorry.

Looking for an Answer

I am pretty sure that there is something out there that would actually work when it comes to pimples removal, i really am not in any hurry because of a few minor bumps and am not one to complain about how slow the results as long as it gives results, but it would be great if it works right after the next day or at least see effects the day after.

I researched a lot about it (more like I looked around) and it can not be helped to stumble upon terms or words that i am unfamiliar with, that i had to lookup from place to place to understand and have greater understanding of what it is i am up against, what causes it, how i can prevent and treat it, and of course i also found people asking the same questions.

If you want to know more, you can read up on my other post Are Pimples on the Penis Normal? and you will know that it's sebum, it is said that it is the very same substance that makes the skin supple and the hair shiny is what actually manifest itself as pimples when the sebaceous glands that produces them gets over active and clogged. The age old truth that excess in anything, even excess of something that makes our skin and hair healthy can also be bad. So i you see someone that's got supple skin and shiny beautiful hair, chances are they are having acne problems?

I don't know if there is an easy way of preventing the sebaceous glands from getting over active and clogged and produce excess sebum except to tell it to chill but frequent washing should help in preventing clogging of the pores.

So in my search, i found people asking the same questions in several different places, and i replied the best i could. One question i was fond of was this question of a 15 year old complaining about the blisters and redness of his shaft right after masturbation. And he was worried. I didn't know if he was worried about the red spots or if he was worried about not being able to masturbate if he wants it gone. As the most obvious solution was to stop jerking off, at least in the meantime to find out if it was beating the meat that is causing the symptoms.

I do not know about anyone else but i found it funny, there is this one guy complaining of two zits, one on each of his testicles. And the guy actually ran some experiments on it and squeezed, and he also tried pulling out the hair and took a look at the roots and compared it to the root of a hair he plucked off someplace else. I found it funny that he is academic about it. "Ehxhibit A, the hair plucked from the zit on my balls, Exhibit B, the hair plucked from my nose. Further analysis gets me to the conclusion that they are the same. Evidence 1 - I screamed when i pulled them out. Evidence 2 - I now don't know which is which."

Just note though, Do not squeeze anything, do not pull anything, and if you really must, make sure your hands are clean, wash you hands for infection prevention! (And keep logs!)

I am not making fun of anyone. I just found it funny, why? That's because i probably would have done the same thing. Ah the things we do when we are worried and clueless. I did unconventional things as well like putting baby powder on my groin and scrotum area after i shaved off the hair because of skin rash, to freshen it up. Sweat made the area itch like hell. The powder helped. I just don't know if squeezing zits is as helpful.


I am curious as to how some of the products out there that has the advertised benefits i am looking for really works, particularly in its removal from the penis. One of the things i found out on the web is that these glands are actually regulated by something called Zinc PCA, which most if not all genital pimple cream manufacturer claim as their secret ingredient (and should have), only they do not keep it secret, why? It is probably because it is natural based which does not dry and damage the skin and one of the things that is found to work well in removing pimples based on studies.

So it works for pimples generally but the skin down there have a different makeup than the rest of the skin in one's body, for one, i know skin in the genital area is very sensitive, i wonder if there really is something that is gentle enough for the pubic area to get rid of penis pimples? We would not want our girlfriends worried of course, there might be some who'd be alright with doing "IT" with the lights off but I'm not one of them though.

But that's one funny solution,"turn the lights off".

Pimples on the penis and Dermabrassion

Removing pimples is already hard as it is, and it's even harder if it's penis pimples that you're up against.

There's Dermabrassion, which includes the process of shedding the top layers of the skin with something that looks like a sandblaster, you wouldn't want your penis sandblasted for penis pimples, which makes you want to find another method of penis pimples removal that's slightly more desirable. As this process physically sheds tissues from the penis, and again, most of us are already having problems with girth, and we men, wish to keep as much of our penises as possible.

There must be some other way?

Is It Normal to have Penis Pimples?

The answer is yes and no. A pimple is actually the result of blockage of the skin's pore and it can happen anywhere on the body: face, back, legs, even genitals and elsewhere. Pimples is a common and frequent condition that effects the oil glands of the skin. Oil glands are found in every hair follicle and when they become clogged or inflamed, they can lead to pimples breakouts.

What are normal pimples on penises and what are not?

It is normal to have small pearly penile papsules, and yes, they do look like pimples. They are really tiny glands. They usually are in the margins of the penis head.

Swelling of the skin called lymphocele that might appear after masturbation or sexual intercourse is also normal. They usually appear on the foreskin or in the shaft of the head. It's normal and goes away by itself.

So what's not normal? basically, if it causes discomfort like itching, it's red or purple, it has pus, it stinks or it looks gross it is not normal penis pimples.

It is alright and just to be concerned when we see spots or pimples on our penis and of course we want them gone, but whatever you do, do not squeeze your penis pimples in clearing them, don't make matter worse. Your hands can spread bacteria that might have caused the penis pimples in the first place. It is not fast acting but if you suffer swelling an ice pack should help reduce swelling redness and pain of the penis pimples. There also are healthy and safe solutions to get rid of penis pimples, the best comes in organic creams solutions. But if you feel your condition is not a simple matter of penis pimples, i recommend you see a doctor or a dermatologist as soon as possible as you could have a case of genital warts.


Penis Pimples provides the most comprehensive collection of information regarding its symptoms, treatment and removal. If you have questions not covered in Penis Pimples please feel free to email your question to